
"Boil" (Transformers "Generation 1" Decepticon Pretender Bludgeon)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Stumbling into 2018...

Well, today could've been better. But that's hard to control after not getting any sleep the night before. Actually wrote a relatively Iong Blogger post on my tablet; figured if I wasn't going to sleep, I could at least do that.

Unfortunately, if the Blogger app does have an auto-save feature for drafts, it didn't work for me. Lost the whole thing when I had to switch to another app for a moment; and my writing was just becoming inspired (!) when it occured. *sigh*

It was also the first time I'd used the Blogger app. Considering how taken I am with my tablet, I think this app could be a great help in getting me to post much more often. Also using my tablet's handwriting conversion feature to write this. Handy (no pun intended) but I definitely need a finer pointed stylus.

Well, I am tired and don't want to stay up long enough for a second wind to grab me. Time to chug my large mug of milk and just close my eyes. That's all I need to do, yet for some time now that's been what I've avoided. Which is why I've made it a personal mantra for me to follow.

"Just close your eyes!"

blog post soundtrack: Niagara

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