
"Boil" (Transformers "Generation 1" Decepticon Pretender Bludgeon)

Friday, September 26, 2014

On Bad Language/Cursing/Foul Language/Profanity

How much a person curses, and what words they use, depends very much on the people they hang around with (much more so than what movies or shows they watch). Even someone who doesn't curse often, after a couple of hours of playing cards with a group of people of varied familiarity (for example), can find themselves suddenly a little looser with their words for a time afterwards. But that usually passes quickly if card night isn't a very regular occurrence.

People also tend to be programmed through experience not to use certain words when in certain situations; and also tend to use certain words they wouldn't otherwise use when in times of stress. These are things I take into consideration when watching a movie. (Or when meeting someone for the first time. I won't judge someone's character simply because of a colorful vocabulary. Some of the most eloquent people in the world have turned out to be the most evil).

(This, however, does not excuse the use of foul language in films for the wrong reasons, like adding "grit" to a movie; or excuse bad script-writing and/or acting where such language comes off forced and ends up taking viewers out of the film.
